Advice transponders
Car keys have been equipped with a transponder, also known as an immobilizer, since 1996. Only if your car key has a transponder can you start the car. The key (iron part that goes into your ignition) gives you access to the lock in the door and the ignition of the car. Simultaneously, the transponder signals to the engine that it may start. It is the combination of the key and the transponder that lets you start the car.
1. What does the transponder look like?
What does the transponder look like? The transponder looks like a rectangular magnet or glass tube, see the picture at the bottom. In some (key) enclosures the transponder chip is mounted in/on the electronics chip and is therefore not loose in the enclosure.

1.1 Which transponder do I need?
Please note that there are different models of transponders available, suitable for different car makes and models. All transponders have a code that you unfortunately cannot read from the outside. To find out which transponder you need, it is best to visit a locksmith (chop shop). They usually have a device that allows them to read your transponder within seconds. The number of your transponder usually starts with ID xx , A xx , T xx etc. This way you can be sure you are ordering the correct model.
1.2 Find a locksmith
If you ask the locksmith to read the transponder of the new key and grind the blade (the iron part that goes into the ignition), they will do the reading of the transponder/immobilizer for a small fee or even for free. Not every locksmith has this equipment and knowledge. So it is smart to inquire in advance by phone or email if this is possible, so you can be sure they can be of service. Keymakers can easily be found through Google by typing in "keymaker" and your city name.
Still a little unsure about what's wrong? We're happy to create light in the dark. Send us an email and include a photo of the front of your key (part with push buttons), a photo of the inside of the key and a photo of the electronics.
2. Can I also read / pair the transponder with my car myself?
Sometimes you can! Then you can put the key in the ignition and with some actions you teach the key then the code of your car. That instruction is in the booklet? Have you lost the booklet of your car? You can often easily find it on the Internet by googling "manual" and your car make. Then search on the word key, or reprogram or program etc. Does this not yield any results and you still want to try it yourself? We are willing to help you. Send us an e-mail with your license plate number, and we can check the suppliers' database to see if you can do it yourself. Otherwise you will have to go to a locksmith to have the key read in.
3. Car key has lost signal with car
In keys with electronics and a transponder, it can sometimes happen that the key and the car no longer recognize each other. This is because the battery has been dead for a while, or because something has changed in the electronics. As a result, your car no longer recognizes the key as being the key to open and close the doors with. Sometimes you can do a pairing attempt between the key and the car to synchronize. If you can do that yourself, it will be in the booklet (as described above). If you cannot, you will have to go to a locksmith who can read your transponder and get your car key read back in.
4. I have a car key without remote control (electronics).
Then there is still a transponder in your car key. Do you want an extra key? You can order a transponder key under the heading car keys, under the filter 'transponder keys'. Before you can use this key, you will have to have it sharpened and have the transponder read (programmed) - or read it yourself as described in step 2.