Hitting pin (4 pieces) for loosening the locking pin in the folding key

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Model 1164
  • In stock Ordered before 17.00u = shipped today

  • Shipment starting from 2 euros


This firing pin makes transferring the key blade and removing the locking pin in a folding key much easier. The pin fits perfectly in the opening of the car key where the pin keeps the key blade (iron part that goes into the ignition) in place. How this works is described below.

There are three methods to transfer the key blade:

Which method is right for you you can read below

1. Transfer of the locking pin

2. Have your key blade sharpened

3. Transfer complete folding system

1. Transfer the locking pin

The locking pin is visible when you open the car key. Now slowly push the key blade closed, the locking pin is visible just above the top of the key. (See attached photos) Place the locking pin on the firing pin and gently tap the locking pin out of the car key with a hammer. Also remove the key blade from the new key housing and insert your own key blade into the new housing.

By the way, the key blade is also fine to remove without these striking pins. A screw, awl or other auxiliary tool can also be placed on the locking pin. The striking pin can be used to transfer the key blade of various Peugeot, Citroën, Fiat, Kia and Hyundai car keys, among others.

2. Sharpen your key blade

Rather not have to tinker yourself? It is also possible to have the key blade copied by a key maker, in this case you do not need to remove the locking pin. However, this does incur additional grinding costs.

3. Transfer a complete key blade system
If when opening your key the complete claw mechanism comes loose from the housing, it is often possible to replace the complete claw system. This only applies if the mechanism can be taken out directly, if you still have to do some work you will have to use method 1 or 2. So in this case you do not need to transfer the locking pin or have the key blade sharpened. See the enclosed photos to determine how to transfer your key blade.


Strike pins are available directly from stock. Every order will be shipped within 24 hours by mail (Post NL).

If you have any questions, we are happy to help. Please contact us via the contact page.

More Information

Type of key
Firing pin