Return form
Would you like to return your purchase, for example because it does not meet your expectations or because you need another item? By default, you have 14 days to register your return request. After notification, you still have 14 days to return the purchase to us.
Did you accidentally order the wrong item? No problem, we are happy to advise you in choosing the correct article. To advise you properly we ask you to add pictures of your current key. Then we can help you on this basis.
If you prefer to cancel your order, we will credit the amount within 14 days after the item is received and accepted by us in good order.
Defect at delivery / warranty
That is of course very annoying. We will contact you and make sure you have a working article as soon as possible.
In case of questions, please feel free to contact us.
Fill out the form below completely and we will contact you.